Tri-State Annual Conference 2022
October 30-November 1, 2022
Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay
Find the final agenda here!
Business Partner/Exhibitor Sign-Up -- 3 Easy Steps!
1. Decide on your sponsorship--be an exhibitor and choose any a la carte options for additional exposure at the conference:
Tri-State Business Partner Options - Fall Conference 2022.pdf
2. Book your registration and sponsorship items:
3. Book your hotel room:
Sessions and training included with your registration fee: NASFAA Credential (Student Eligibility), Neophyte session track, Federal loan updates (so much going on right now!), How to handle fraud claims (why are there so many?), Scams, State breakout sessions (DE/DC/MD), VA benefits, Internet resource tips, FSA and NASFAA sessions, and more!
Registration Fee Per Individual DEDCMD ASFAA Member*
Regular Full Conference (After 10/7) - $325
Regular One-Day (After 10/7) - $225
*If you were a DEDCMD ASFAA member in 21-22, your membership is free in 22-23. Otherwise, you will need to become a member for 22-23 and pay the $50 membership dues before you can register for the conference.
Please note that photographs may be taken at this event and displayed in various DEDCMD ASFAA media as a way to positively promote the Association. Those participants who pose for photographs are permitting the use of their image in this way.